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Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

4 Feb 2017


5 books every budding photographer must have

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Stunning Digital Photography is much more than a book, it comes with 12 hours online video training and free help from the author and the other readers.once you go through the content of this book you would understand why this book is #1 photography e-book with 100,000 readers. Apart from 12 hours online video training this book, this book also have hands-on practices at the end of the every chapter to experience real world experience you need, you will also have option taking online quizzes at the end of the every chapter to see what you have learned and to make sure didn’t miss anything, you can also join author online private group where you find helpful  like-minded people who also want to improve their photography and above all after buying this book you are eligible to download the ebook for free with new content and videos as new equipment and trend change in the market, so  it never get outdated.

If you are beginner photographer you can master the composition, exposure, shutter speed, ISO, Aperture, natural light, flashlight, troubleshooting blurry or dark images, pet photography, wildlife photography(mammals, birds, insects, fish, and more), long exposure photography (fireworks, star, meteors), Photographing sunrise,sunset, landscape, cityscape,flower, waterfalls, rivers and many more.

Advance photographer can also benefit from this book, you will learn, posing men and women with checklist, taking candid, casual, formal and underwater portraits, using raw images, using HDR,Macro photography, Using light modifiers,Remotely triggering multiple flashes for inexpensive studio lighting, building permanent home studio, using studio lighting on any budget,shooting your first wedding, high speed photography,location scouting, planning shoot around sun and moon,star trail(using 2 techniques),light painting, eliminating noise,focus stacking for infinite DOF, underwater photography, getting close to wildlife, using electronic shutter triggers and many more.

This book will definitely make you more knowledgeable and help you mastering skills that help you grow as a photographer I must say it’s proving much much more value than the price of the book. So if you want to buy you first photography book, go with this one.

This book is the revised edition of Bryan Peterson's most popular book demystifies the complex concepts of exposure in photography, allowing readers to capture the images they want.
Understanding Exposure has taught generations of photographers how to shoot the images they want by demystifying the complex concepts of exposure in photography. In this newly updated edition, veteran photographer Bryan Peterson explains the fundamentals of light, aperture, and shutter speed and how they interact with and influence one another. With an emphasis on finding the right exposure even in tricky situations, Understanding Exposure shows you how to get (or lose) sharpness and contrast in images, freeze action, and take the best meter readings, while also exploring filters, flash, and light. With all new images, as well as an expanded section on flash, tips for using colored gels, and advice on shooting star trails, this revised edition will clarify exposure for photographers of all levels.
There is also a kindle version of this book allow you to read it anywhere, anytime in any device.

With this video book, you'll learn how to instantly find any picture in your library, fix common photography problems, clean up your images, add pop to boring pictures, retouch portraits, make gorgeous prints, create photo books, and even edit your home videos.
Tony goes beyond teaching you how to use Lightroom. Tony shows you why and when to use each feature to create stunning, natural photos. When Lightroom is not the best tool, Tony suggests better alternatives.

Combining the benefits of video training and book learning, this video book gives you over 14 hours of video and dozens of free presets and raw images to practice with. If you learn better with video, watch the video training and refer to the book for quick reference. If you prefer reading, the book is concise and practical, and each chapter links to relevant videos when you want to understand a topic more deeply or see it used in the real world.

Tony covers every aspect of Lightroom in-depth but structures his teaching so that both beginner and advanced photographers can learn as efficiently as possible. If you just want a quick start, you can watch the first video or read the first chapter and you'll be organizing and editing your pictures in less than an hour. If you want to know more about a specific feature, switch to that video or jump to that chapter in the ebook. If you want to know everything about Lightroom, watch the videos and read the book from start to finish.

What’s your definition of a photo studio? Is it a room with a white seamless backdrop or a cyc wall? Maybe it’s simply anywhere you’re in control of the lighting. In a perfect world, where every day is a breezy 72 degrees with partial cloud coverage, we would all have a 5,000-square-foot studio–and the entire catalog of B&H™ in our equipment lockups.
But the reality is that you may have an outdated DSLR with two decent lenses (which took you several years to save up for), and all you have at your disposal is an unfinished basement, your garage, or the empty conference room at your office. That’s where Studio Anywhere comes in. With photographer Nick Fancher as your guide, you’ll learn how to get portfolio-ready photos while working in some of the most problematic scenarios imaginable. Whether shooting a corporate portrait, a test shoot with a model, or a promo shoot with a band, you’ll discover that most of the time, there’s no need for an expensive studio–you just have to get creative.
Studio Anywhere is a resource for photographers to learn through behind-the-scenes photos and lighting diagrams from a range of photo shoots–but it doesn’t stop there. Because directing a photoshoot involves more than simply knowing how to wield a camera or process a raw file, Nick also lets you in on the aesthetic decisions he makes in his signature photos, inspiring you to develop your own vision. And, finally, he describes his Lightroom and Photoshop workflow so you can learn how to deftly navigate post-processing.
Shows how to create images with minimal equipment that is within reach of anyone’s budget
Takes you through the entire shoot, from concept to lighting to exposure to post-processing in Lightroom and Photoshop
Teaches how to build a portfolio without a dedicated studio space

This new edition gets you up to "shutter speed" on the latest camera technologies, including the new consumer-targeted full-frame models and pro features that are now incorporated in consumer-focused units. Veteran author and professional photographer Robert Correll walks you through how a camera works, what lenses to use, how to set exposure, and how to capture the shots that define a portfolio.

Fully updated to cover the latest generation of cameras and boasting more than 700 pages, this must-have resource explores the latest in tools and offers additional content, including video and interactive tools so that you can enhance your photography knowledge.

Covers the basics of DSLR mechanics and explains how settings affect the final photo
Reviews lenses and walks you through choosing and applying the right lens for your situation
Discusses how aperture, shutter speed, and ISO combine to determine how your photo will look
Demystifies how to light a photo, from using natural light to flash to artificial lighting
Helps you shooting high-quality video and film
Digital SLR Photography All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition is packed with everything you need to get your idea photo, from portraits to action shots to night photos and so much more.

These best 5 five help you mastering digital photography, from learning photography complex techniques to set up your own studio in any r. So have these in your book self and start practicing everything you learn from these books. If you want to set your goal to set up your photography business in just 7 days download this free ebook from the This ebook guide you step by step and help your photography business to be set up in 7 days, not only this but it also covers the marketing tips and trick to get results which help you making your first dollar while you are learning the skills. So take action and grow.

4 Apr 2013


When was the last time you use Bulb mode in your Camera

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Light painting
Photograph in Bulb Mode
Bulb Mode in a camera is like a fun feature and I really enjoy this item. When I started photography, it was a complete surprising experience, every day I learn something new about my camera and I enjoy this very much, bulb mode was one of them. Before you start make sure you must have a tripod. You can check out this Ravelli APLT2 50" Light Weight Aluminum Tripod with Bag, its cheap an better but you are free to use any one of your choice, without a tripod its difficult to use bulb mode because this feature use slow shutter speed.This particular feature can add a new dimension in your photography. So if you still unaware of how to use bulb mode exist in your camera, just check camera manual guide and search for this feature or if you are using Nikon d5100 like model just turn your camera dial to manual mode, turn your camera focus on manual and focus at infinity, start rotating the shutter speed wheel until it comes to bulb mode. Now enjoy and share your experience, let everybody know what miracle you did with Bulb mode.
Next: How to Check Camera Sensor for Dust and scratches

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2 Apr 2013


Photograph Stars at Night / ABA Creation

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Photograph stars at night are really a fun experience and today I decided to write my experience about photograp­­­­h stars at night without flash. I was totally blind of the results. Actually I wanted to make a photograph which is full of stars and blue sky, but sky looked so black at night with naked eye and very few stars are visible, I had no idea what would I make finally. I was working with Nikon D 5100, a kit lens and a tripod.

starsI decided to put my camera on bulb mode(we’ll discuss later how to use bulb mode in our later post), set the camera on tripod and to keep my camera more steady and sharp, just set the shutter release on 2 sec delay mode (to make camera extra steady) or you can also use shutter release cable or shutter release remote. I clicked some photographs and after some adjustment on Photoshop, got this result. This is how I shoot these stars at night. So grab your camera and let everybody know what you made, share on ABA Creation.

Next: How to Use Bulb mode in your Camera
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28 Feb 2013


ABA Creation:Photography Tips for Beginners:

How to start with your camera, create your own style of photography, and make great images.

When I was thinking of writing this article I have only one thing in mind how it would be helpful for the beginner photographers (I never call them immature photographers) because  when I started I have faced many problems like choosing my type of photography, what to photograph, how to start etc. and spends lots of time by reading photography tips, watching images but I realize there is no particular type of photography you have to stick with, reality is when you think to be a photographer, sky is the limit, so I thought to share my experience through this article may be this will help you. 

I have seen lots of my friends who are always try to make some stunning photographs but being a beginner photographer they failed most of the time. Reason? Simple they photograph every thing and every time without any vision. They don’t even bother to think what and why they are photographing and that is the reason I found their pictures are very confusing. I also realize that they strongly emphasize on the techniques like taking images with different angles, filling frames with subject, this is good and everyone who photograph must think about that but one should also keep in mind, this techniques alone cannot make great images, techniques can make a photograph good, not great. Then what makes that? Answer is ‘The Subject’. How you treat and how you see your subject. First of all ask yourself what you want to photograph? What is your interest of photography? This is very important; you cannot photograph anything and everything because there is hundreds of styles like Commercial, Event, Macro, Nature, Night, Panoramic, Portraits and People, Sports,  Action, Adventure Underwater, Time-Lapse, Travel, Street, Architectural, Urban, Landscape, Still Life, Wedding Etc, etc, etc.. Don’t worry you just have to choose only one and think, if you are enjoying to photograph them? Obviously it will take your lots of effort and time as well may be more than a year to understand but without follow this step you cannot move further. Be careful may be you will realize there is more than 2 or three style you love to photograph, so don’t be very particular about this. When I started I thought I would only do wildlife photography but when I tied people photography I really enjoyed and now spend my most of the time by taking portraits of people and I realized how this is challenging (I shall discuss about this in detail in my next article that would be focused on portrait photography only).So when you are on the way of making great images from the beginning always keep this 5 things below on your mind.

Think and Shoot: 
Whenever I take pictures first of all I imagine how this look like would, I never ever shoot instantly (this will not applicable on wildlife photography, this type of photography needs instant click because you cannot predict their action.)I think, manage to get my pose and then click. (see pic01)

Be interactive: 
Anything you photograph needs interaction. It means talk to your subject, try to understand their nature whether the subject is live or Still no matter just make relation with them before you click. Being a beginner you really need to practice this and improve this gradually. When I did this I was surprised by the result.  I spend lots of time with flowers, leaves, trees and after a little interaction with them I click my camera. May be this sounds weird but try this, you will be surely surprised. (see pic02)

Be Positive: 
Yes, this may be not seemed to be very important but believe me this is as much important as your subject of photography. Your altitude can simply change the mood of your subject (if you are taking images of peoples.) and your positive altitude can turn your image live. Let’s take a simple example, if you are trying to take a portrait of a kid and he is not looking comfortable while posing, what you think you should do? just keep on photographing her and talk to him about any thing, make him comfortable, be a friend never ever let him know he is not posing according to you, just be nice with him and I promise he’ll award you with a great portrait. (see pic03)

Do Experiments: 
I always like to do lots of experiment with my camera and I realize at the end of the day I got at least one photo in my camera which looks great and most important I get something new. Believe me if you experiment in your photography, actually you make something new which is your very own discovered style. Take some photos with different angle, try to hold camera like never been before, lay down, kneel down, hold camera vertical, use available lights creatively etc, I don’t want you to be confuse, I am just telling you to do something which is yours. This is good to follow great photographers and there photography tips they are universal useful after all they are great, you must follow them but this is necessary to develop your own style which can make you great photographer.

Shoot and learn: 
Go out side and take images, Best way to learn. Practical knowledge is always better and helps you to learn the things faster. Just get out of your home with your camera, take image and see how it works. All the best.

Written by Smita for aba creative works

29 Jan 2013


NIKON COOLPIX P510: how to shoot high speed movie.

Last Sunday I got an opportunity to hold Nikon CoolpixP510 and I was surprised with its performance. The image color tone was really great in auto mode, I must say, sometime greater than my Nikon D5100 DSLR comparison will not be right But here we’ll talk about P510’s  HS 120/fps feature.

My friend came to me with his excited face and brand new P510 and asks me to learn him some cool features. And the first feature came to my mind was its high speed movie i.e. 120 fps,This has become a trend in almost all Nikon P series cameras. That was really a fun.When I told him about this feature he asked me, ‘how to shoot high speed movie’ I told him its very simple  than you think with Nikon user friendly keys.

Press menu button just below in the left side of the navigational key Come 1 step down with navigation key and Go to shooting menu Go to movie setting Select 640x 424; 120fps Now press record button and enjoy. Now he know how to shoot high speed movie with his brand new camera.
Look at the result in this video. This is really funny. I am looking so stupid, please don't laugh.

We will talk about some new feature of Nikon later.