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Showing posts with label Exposure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exposure. Show all posts

11 Apr 2013


What is ISO

Image with 2 different ISO setting
ISO in digital cameras indicates how much sensitive the sensor is, to the light. There are different values for ISO in your digital cameras i.e. ISO 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400 and more. If you choose higher value, the sensor will be more sensitive to light and produce more grains in the image and if less value chosen, the sensor will be less sensitive to the light and produce high quality image without grains. For example ISO 6400 will produce more grains than ISO 100 as shown in the given Picture.
High ISO values allow you to shoot with fast shutter speed to achieve optimal exposure with given aperture. High ISO also allows you to shoot under low light, but at the same time it also produce grainy image and reduces the quality of your image. Low ISO setting produces high quality images but limit the use of higher shutter speed. Choosing ISO value is all depends on under which circumstances you are photographing and how much you can compromise with the quality of your image. 
In the above Image, you can see clear grains  photograph at high ISO setting i,e. ISO 6400 while the another image ISO 100 have no grains and have better quality. The shutter speed for the Image ISO 100 and ISO 6400 was 1/160 and 1/25 respectively.

6 Apr 2013


What is Exposure:-xplained

Camera dial
In digital cameras, exposure means the amount of light enters in the camera that reaches the camera sensor to make an image. When you turn off your Auto mode and use manual mode this is very important to know how the things work. Now the question is how light enters in the camera and how it can be controlled.

Following are the three things responsible for the exposure.

Aperture (f-stops)-Size of the opening of the lens, through which light enters in the camera
Shutter speed-Duration of the time that shutter is open
ISO-Sensor sensitivity to the Light.

You can control these features to control the amount of light enters in your camera. To control exposure (Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO) and set the right exposure for your camera is not easy, the only thing you can do is practice, practice, and practice. We have to continuously increase and decrease the numbers until we get the right exposure. If you allow more light to enter the camera, the image can be overexposed or if allow less light to enter the image can be underexposed but you can also use this feature to show some creativity (we’ll discuss this in our later post).I found this book Basic Studio Lighting: The Photographer's Complete Guide to Professional Techniques very helpful for the lightning tutorial. In this book, you can master the lighting techniques step by step and learn the control over Shutter speed, Aperture, and ISO. Tell us how we can improve this article or what more expect from ABA Creation

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